UMass Boston

American Studies BA

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回答这个问题:“‘American’是什么意思??" in local, national, and global contexts.

作为澳门新葡新京官方美国研究学士学位课程的学生, 你将探索一个动态的课程,探索不同的历史, cultures, 以及塑造美国的经历. With a focus on critical thinking, research, and writing skills, 本课程为您分析与美国社会相关的复杂问题做好准备, politics, and culture. 不仅获得了对美国更深的了解, 还要学会为有意义的社会变革做出贡献.

In this program, you will:

  • 培养你的跨学科知识和批判性思维技能,使你能够从多个角度分析与美国相关的复杂问题
  • 磨练你的研究和写作技巧,成为一个有效的沟通者和倡导者
  • 探索文化能力和社会意识, 加深你对不同历史的理解, cultures, 以及塑造美国的经历, 并准备好为积极的社会变革做出贡献

Career Possibilities

作为教育工作者,告知下一代美国研究学生. 作为社会正义的倡导者,在你的社区留下积极的影响. Pursue a career in politics. 或者,利用你新发现的文化洞察力来创办自己的企业.  无论你的目标是什么,澳门新葡新京官方都会支持你. 

Become a(n):

  • Educator
  • Non-Profit Worker
  • Politician/ Public Servant
  • Journalist
  • Community Advocate
  • Business Owner

Plan Your Education

How to Apply

Apply for Admission

请查看第一年和转学申请页面,了解有关申请要求的重要信息, deadlines, and application status check.

Apply as a First-Year Student 

Apply as a Transfer Student

Deadlines & Cost

Early action deadline: November 1; Regular Decision Deadline: June 15

Financing Your Education

澳门新葡新京官方多元化、支持性的环境中,成为一盏明灯,追求你的激情. 在我们的200多个本科和研究生课程中,许多学生都获得了经济援助——为他们提供了接受特殊和负担得起的教育的机会. 点击下面了解更多澳门官方老葡京财政援助的机会和截止日期.

Financial Aid Deadlines & Application Process 

Scholarships for First-Year & Transfer Students

有关学费和费用的更多信息,请访问 Bursar’s Office or send an email to


有关详细的课程描述,请访问大学目录 American Studies BA.

Introductory Course (3 Credits)

  • AMST 100 - American Identities 3 Credit(s)
  • AMST 110G - 1945年以来的美国社会与文化4学分

Discipline-Based Survey Course (3 Credits)

  • AMST 210 -美国社会与文化,1600-1860
  • AMST 211 - U.S. 社会与文化,1860-1940

Major Track (9 Credits)

Choose a major track from the following:

  • Media and Culture Track
  • 社会运动和身份形成轨迹
  • Migration and Empire Track

Electives (12 Credits)

Complete four additional AMST courses.

Capstone Course (3 Credits)

Take one course from the list below.

  • AMST 402L -美国视觉媒体史3学分
  • AMST 405 -移民经历3学分
  • AMST 410 - Cultural History of U.S. Media 3 Credit(s)
  • AMST 430 - Music & Amer Lit 3 Credit(s)
  • AMST 440L -全球背景下的美国3学分
  • AMST 471L -美国文学和文化中的城市3学分

Media & Culture Track

Track Requirements


Course Requirements

Media and Culture Courses (9 Credits)

Complete three courses from below.

  • AMST 101 - Popular Culture in America 3 Credit(s)
  • AMST 215L - America on Film 3 Credit(s)
  • AMST 235 -流行音乐的社会历史 3 Credit(s)
  • AMST 250 - U.S. Travel and Tourism 3 Credit(s)
  • 20世纪美国的酷儿文学和历史 3 Credit(s)
  • AMST 278L - U.S. Documentary Photography 3 Credit(s)
  • AMST 285L - Food in American Culture 3 Credit(s)
  • AMST 310 - Television in American Life 3 Credit(s)
  • AMST 335 - Music And Politics 3 Credit(s)
  • AMST 352L - Harlem Renaissance 3 Credit(s)
  • AMST 355L - Black Popular Culture 3 Credit(s)
  • AMST 375 -美国社会的畅销书 3 Credit(s)

Social Movements & Identity Formation Track

Track Requirements


Course Requirements


Complete three courses from below.

  • AMST 206 - The Sixties 3 Credit(s)
  • AMST 209 - The 1990s 3 Credit(s)
  • AMST 212G - The US in the Eighties 3 Credit(s)
  • AMST 223L - Asians in the United States 3 Credit(s)
  • AMST 228L -亚洲妇女在美国 3 Credit(s)
  • 20世纪美国的酷儿文学和历史 3 Credit(s)
  • AMST 270L -北美原住民 3 Credit(s)
  • AMST 325L -性别身份在美国文化 3 Credit(s)
  • 种族,阶级和性别:美国多样性的问题 3 Credit(s)
  • AMST 352L - Harlem Renaissance 3 Credit(s)
  • AMST 353L -边境,侨民和跨国身份 3 Credit(s)
  • AMST 355L - Black Popular Culture 3 Credit(s)
  • AMST 360 -现代美国的工作、社会和文化 3 Credit(s)

Migration & Empire Track

Track Requirements


Course Requirements

Migration and Empire Courses (9 Credits)

Complete three courses from below.

  • 想象拉丁:历史轨迹和日常生活 3 Credit(s)
  • AMST 203 - The Thirties 3 Credit(s)
  • AMST 225L -东南亚人在美国 3 Credit(s)
  • AMST 240G - War in American Culture 3 Credit(s)
  • AMST 250 - U.S. Travel and Tourism 3 Credit(s)
  • AMST 270L -北美原住民 3 Credit(s)
  • AMST 285L - Food in American Culture 3 Credit(s)
  • AMST 353L -边境,侨民和跨国身份 3 Credit(s)

Related Minors

American Studies Minor

Minor Requirements:

完成包括一门入门课程在内的六门课程的18学分, one survey course, 三门美国研究课程中的两门, one elective, and a capstone.

Pass/fail: 辅修科目不得超过一门及格/不及格课程.
Residency: 辅修课程必须在澳门新葡新京官方完成至少四门课程.
Course level: 至少有三门辅修课程必须达到300级或以上(包括顶点课程).
Independent study: 辅修科目不得有一门以上的独立学习.

Graduation Criteria

Degree Requirements

如果这是学生唯一或主要的专业, 必须完成以下学位要求才能毕业. See graduation requirements for more information.

University Requirements


Major Requirements

至少修满十门课程的三十学分,其中包括一门入门课程, one discipline-based survey course, three courses from a declared major track, four electives and one senior capstone.

Major track: 学生必须申报以下一项:媒体和文化, social movements and identity formation, or migration and empire.
Pass/fail: 不及格或不及格的科目不得超过一门.
Residency: 在澳门新葡新京官方必须完成至少五门专业课程.
Course level: 至少有三门申请的专业课程必须达到300级或更高(除了顶点课程).
Independent study: 本专业的独立学习不得超过一门.

young asian people painting mural

American Studies Department

澳门新葡新京官方文科学院的美国研究系培养了对美国社会的理解, political, and cultural movements; the place of empire within US history; the role of race, gender, class, sexuality, and empire in US culture and society; and the history, theories, and methods used to examine these areas.


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